What are The Reasons to Choose Solar Pool Water Heating?

Relaxing in a swimming pool with adequate temperature is a fantastic experience, but your pool water heater can raise your electricity bill. Now, it’s time to switch to a solar pool heating system. It’s an eco-friendly and affordable alternative to conventional heating kits. Currently, a solar pool heater is not novelty technology; but something that you can see in houses and commercial premises.

Generally, the solar pool heater comprises of a series of solar panels, flow controller, filter, heating system, pool pump, and valve. The solar panels are installed on the roof. They are connected directly to all of its parts with an open system, using hoses and pipes to connect all of the main elements.

Most swimming pools are used on a seasonal basis, i.e. during the summer. However, solar pool owners can get benefited by investing in solar. These systems can be integrated so that in the summer they provide heat to the pool and the same goes during winter. It means solar pool heating systems can minimize your heat bills year-round.

There are so many reasons why you should choose a solar pool heater, especially if the electricity bill is your perpetual concern. Here are a few important reasons why you should choose a solar heater for a swimming pool:

Affordable Operation –

The solar water heating kit is affordable enough to operate in the long run. If your home gets sunlight consistently, you don’t even require an additional gas heater, which will save you more. The overall cost of ownership is substantially less, and homeowners get huge savings over fossil fuels and electricity. You will have more significant savings than other traditional pool heating technologies.

Eco-Friendly System –

If you’re concerned about air pollution, solar panel heater is the right option to access clean energy for pool heating purposes. Even if you install an additional gas heater, the kit still releases less pollution than the traditional heating system.

Long-Term Use –

The solar heater is a go-to choice; if you have a plan on living permanently in a property or at least for years to come. A solar pool heater can last 15-20 years after the installation is done. It can be perfect for both residential and commercial buildings. The pool heating systems have a much longer life expectancy and deliver enough heat energy throughout the season than any other type of solar pool heating systems.

Latest Technology –

Out of the available technologies, solar evacuated tubes solar pool heaters are ideal. Their advantages are numerous for heating a swimming pool. A vacuum tube works in indirect light and cloudy conditions.

From sunrise to sunset and even the cloudy days, the systems can deliver useable heat energy to the swimming pool. Vacuum tubes have a life expectancy of over 25 years, so you won’t get stressed about fixing leaks and replacing mats every 3-5 years. The overall ownership cost is substantially less.

Work in Harsh Conditions –

Evacuated tubes solar pool heaters are not affected by windy conditions. The conventional plastic pool heaters work like radiators and remove heat energy quickly than it can be provided when there’s even a slight breeze.

Evacuated tubes solar pool heating systems work even in -40. Your solar pool heating system works even the ambient temperature is colder than the pool water. When the air temperature is more than the pool, other pool heating systems are capable of providing heat. As a pool owner, you can extend your pool season by two to three months by using advanced solar pool heaters.

Bottom Line –

When it comes to investing in solar pool heating, you should count on Solar Tubs. We have a wide assortment of solar pool heaters and accessories best suiting the personal preferences and requirements. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.solartubs.com/solar-pool-heating.html.

About Northern Lights Solar Solutions

Northern Lights Solar Solutions is a world leader in providing pre-designed and pre-packaged solar water heaters for residential and commercial applications.
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